Monday, 16 April 2012

"Mr Ow Gan Pin : You sure or not?" by Wen Hui 4 sapphire 2012

"DSS Cross Country at West coast park 2012" by Wen Hui, 4 sapphire 2012

"We all need a little encouragement" by Wen Hui, 4 Sapphire, 2012

"Perseverance" by Erwin Soo, HOD IT, 2012

"With music, I can achieve anything" By Samuel Loh 3 Opal 2012

"Wonder what shampoo she uses" by Samuel Loh 3 Opal 2012

"To stay ahead, you must lead the pack" by Samuel Loh 3 Opal 2012

"DSS Speech and Prize Giving day 2012" by Juraidah, Art Coordinator 2012

"Squarefoot gardening 2012" by Erwin Soo, HOD IT, 2012

“We don’t change what we are, we change what we think what we are. – Eric Butterworth" by Jennifer Lai, Art Teacher, 2012

"You never will be the person you can be if pressure, tension and discipline are taken out of your life. Dr. James G. Bilkey " by Erwin Soo, HOD IT, 2012

"Mr Kelvin Ang, GOH for 2012 Speech Day" by Jayden Lee, 2Topaz 2012

"Cross Country 2012 at West Coast Park" by Erwin Soo, HOD IT, 2012

"Determination" by Wen Hui, 4 Sapphire, 2012